For the visionaries, the leaders, the priest(ess)es, mystics, medicine (wo)men desiring to catalyse their next evolution; expand their vision & anchor their highest soul mission
Bec is an oracle, soul catalyst, activator and high priestess, here to guide others through the sacred, esoteric mysteries - the ancient wisdom within our DNA - waiting to be awakened.
She is here to lead you to the inner temple, where you will go on a deep journey of soul remembering - retrieving and reclaiming the codex your soul has cultivated, practiced and mastered over lifetimes.
She is here to support you in refining and expanding your vision, awakening your soul gifts, and connecting to your highest soul mission in this incarnation.
She is here to help the heart-centered revolutionaries, rebels & leaders to expand their grid to create even more influence and impact -
to serve on a larger scale than ever before.
In entering a 1:1 vortex with Bec, you are saying YES to rapid expansion, acceleration, connections and quantum leaps on your path.
Bec acts as a bridge to Spirit, creating a potent, sacred container for you to journey, to receive upgrades, recalibrations and DNA activations that will support you to awaken your multi-dimensionality and highest potential. She will help you to reconnect to past and parallel timelines of your Soul which will enable you to have a clear understanding of all you have been, and are here to be.
Receiving this energetic recoding will enable you to have clear, direct-line communication with your highest self and your soul team, to receive the necessary aligned actions, and expand the amount of life-force, vitality and energy which supports your mission.
She will help you read and understand your unique soul mission blueprint and harmonise your inner feminine + masculine energies - allowing you to refine and streamline your strategy, your messaging, your structure; creating maximum impact while softening into more authentic expression, ease, alignment, pleasure, joy and magic.
As part of the experience, she will remain available to you as a guide, a translator for the subtle realms, a collaborator and supporter; to make sure you see your vision through to fruition and embody all you came here to be!
Bec works with 1-1 mentorship clients on a bespoke basis - fill in an application below so I can assess how to support you in the most aligned way possible.
My high-touch 1:1 mentorship is for the souls who are ready to commit to their next level of self mastery, who have heard the call and are a f*ck yes to exploring what working together would look like...
If you require general support or guidance but are not ready yet to dive into 1:1 work, I have plenty of free resources and journeys here, or on the podcast.

What does this work actually make possible for me?
These are all outcomes which have actually been experienced by those who have entered Bec’s vortex:
Complete clarity in your vision: validating and understanding your soul mission, how you are being called to serve & the actions required
Expanding your impact, your influence and your reach - effortlessly magnetising soul tribe, connections & aligned collaborations
Understanding and refining the unique essence, vibe, frequency and messaging that effortlessly magnetises your soul tribe
Coding your marketing, your offerings, your social media content with sacred geometry and frequency that lands with f*ck yes, full body resonance
Expanding your abundance or ‘business’ grid and your capacity to receive; experiencing abundance with ease & without hustle
Opening and awakening more of your own mystical gifts - channeling, energy healing, grid work, light-language etc
Activating soul codes from past lifetimes, other civilisations and star races
DNA awakening and light body expansion, awakening your kundalini/life force energy ; experiencing more vitality, more pleasure, more creativity, metaphysical abilities/gifts - becoming the alchemist and creator of your life, capable of “magicking” things into existence
More ease, joy, effortlessness in your day to day life, and in your soul business
A deeper sense of purpose, presence, confidence, inner-peace and fulfilment
Incredible, life-changing mystical experiences and expanded states of consciousness - feeling more connected to Spirit than ever before
Stepping into even higher levels of spiritual and emotional mastery - a deeper, more embodied understanding of esoteric wisdom and knowledge - the ability to bridge the ‘sacred’ and the ‘mundane’
Opening your heart: cultivating more intimacy, deepening your already existing relationships + relating on a deeper level to others
Feelings of pleasure, ecstasy, elation, happiness and contentment
Miraculous healing of physical ailments or health issues
Connect to your spirit guides, oversoul network, soul fam, light beings, and your multi-dimensional self across other timelines
Actual MAGIC unfolding right before your very eyes (seriously!)

A virtual mystery school training & sacred attunement.
The Dragon Masters are re-awakening from their slumber...
The Ancients who hold the codes, sacred technologies & esoteric wisdom of the Alchemists.
In this online immersion, receive an introductory initiation into the Dragon Master Lineage, awaken the evolutionary potential lying dormant in your DNA, activate your Highest Soul Potential, harmonise your internal sacred energies, and learn how to re-awaken and wield the power of the Alchemist within.
Book a Oracle Session, Soul Mission Intensive, or access the potent self healing library I’ve curated containing resources for your expansion! Sacred journeys, retreats, activations and online immersions for you to receive at your own pace, in your own timing.
Sacred Activations to Support Your Soul Mission
A fulfilling, profitable, enjoyable, effortless and magical soul mission is your god-given right.
Introducing the Soul Mission Accelerator - low cost, high potency activations for the soulpreneur on a sacred mission.

The Intuition, Channeling and Psychic Development Accelerator
A self-paced psychic development incubator containing everything you need to activate and open your channel to become psychic AF.
A multi-dimensional online retreat with Kali Ma
Evoke and work with the powerful energy of the dark goddess - to break the chains that are holding you back from your highest soul expression and potential.